All of our training services include a free 15 minute consultation so we can find the best service for you and your pup - this can be done in person or over the phone!

1 - 1 training

  • Our 1-1 classes last for roughly an hour including a pre / post class discussion, homework & an email sent after the class highlighting what we covered and what you need to do at home as well as a 7 day post catch up.

  • £25

puppy classes

  • Similar to our 1-1 this includes a pre / post class discussion, homework, post class email and a 7 day post class catch up to see how your puppy is progressing.

  • £20


  • Our obedience classes last for roughly an hour including a pre / post class discussion, homework & an email sent after the class highlighting what we covered and what you need to do at home as well as a 7 day post catch up.

  • £25

Let’s work together!

Interested in building your relationship with your dog? Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch!