Terms, conditions & company policy…

pre-service consultations

Before any services are completed an in person pre-service consultation (or a ‘meet & greet’) must be completed - this is so you / your pet can meet me in person before I take them out alone, I can meet you in person and we can check we are right for each other.

During this we will discuss your pets health, behavior, history, personality and other factors that may affect the services we can provide for them.

consent forms

Once we have completed an in person consultation we will send you the consent forms / terms & conditions to fill out - these must be completed before any services can be started. These forms include information about your pets vaccinations, insurance, flea / worming, emergency contacts and other vital information needed to safely work with your pet and provide the best individualized care possible - it is also vital for legal / insurance purposes.

All our forms are digital so will be sent straight to your email once the consultation has been done - if you do not fill out these forms for whatever reason we will not begin any services.

Trial period

Once we have completed the in person consultation and you have filled out the consent forms / terms and conditions we will be able to begin caring for your pet! Once we begin caring for your pet there will be a 4 week trial period - during this time period if your pet displays dangerous behavior or we discover something that was not previously mentioned in the meet & greet / consent forms we will discontinue all services. destroy any records and point you to a pet professional we believe will be a better fit.

Your dog will be kept on lead for their first walk (or first few) then once trusted will be let off lead (if stated they have reliable recall).

payments & charges

All payments will be made to our business bank account or in cash - any other form of payment will not be accepted. We send out invoices monthly however if you prefer to pay after each service or weekly that is also accepted as long as we are notified so we can keep a record of that. An invoice will be sent to you regardless in order to keep record of payments / services but you will not need to pay again if you have done already.

Once invoices are sent out, they must be paid by the due date or a late payment fee of £5 per day will be added onto the total.

We also charge cancellation fees, if you cancel a service within 48 hours of the booked service you will be charged for half of that services cost - if you cancel within 24 hours you will be charged for the full service.

dog walking time slots

When booking your dog in for a walk we offer time slots instead of exact timings - for example; ‘we will pick up your dog between 10-11 for their 1 hour walk’ instead of ‘we will walk your dog from 10-11’. This is due to the fact that external factors such as traffic, previous walking slots etc. may delay us slightly which can affect the time we collect your pet.

Your dog will always get the walk that you have booked, whether that is 30 minutes, 40 minutes or an hour.

termination of contract

We have the right to terminate contracts & services at any point if we feel our safety, the public’s safety or you pets safety is being compromised or if in our professional we feel you pet is not doing their best in our care.

Depending on the severity we will either assist you in finding alternative care for your pet or terminate care immediately.

Once the contract any photos posted on our pages will remain on our pages.

health, safety & welfare

We require your pet to have all the necessary vaccinations, regular flea / worm treatments, insurance etc. We also require information of your pets veterinary practice, emergency / out of hours practice and emergency contact - this is all to assist us if a medical emergency were to occur.

We also require consent from the primary owner to perform emergency medical care if an accident were to happen in our care

We will usually use the equipment given to us by you however if we feel ours or anyone elses safety is compromised by doing so we will use our own to our discretion.

If we feel your pets health or welfare is at risk due to their environment / at home we are obligated to report it to the necessary authorities.

veterinary & emergencies

We will perform any and all necessary emergency medical care to your pet if an accident were to occur - if we are not given consent to do so we will not complete any services for your pet as it is a huge safety risk.

We will transport your pet to the nearest veterinary clinic / out of hours clinic to receive appropriate care - we will ask for a payment limit in our veterinary release form so we know how much we are authorized to agree to without your presence. If a claim is to be made with our insurance we need to be informed as soon as possible in order to organised the claim with our insurance.

services availability

We aim to accommodate your pets needs as best as we can however due to availability we may not be able to accommodate the service you would like. Due to changing availability, we may ask to “stagger” your pets start time with us rather than starting immediately.

We are able to recommend alternative pet care providers if we do not have availability for the service you require, alternatively we have a wait list we can add you to and we can contact you when a space becomes available.

Due to the amount of inquiries we get each day we may miss your message - if we do please just send us another message or preferably contact us on whatsapp as that is what we check the most. Please do not contact us on facebook as we no longer us that as a method of communication so we no longer check it.

holiday dates / business hours

We will always notify you of any holiday with at least a months notice however we aim to put out all our holiday dates for the year at the beginning of the year. If you need alternative pet care while we are away we will offer you a list of trusted pet professionals to cover us.

Whilst we dont have set business hours due to the nature of our business we only answer messages / inquiries between 9am-6pm. We regularly check our website, whatsapp, texts & emails however we no longer use facebook messenger so if you contact us through that we may miss your enquiry.

Pet collection times

I will come to collect your pet in the pre-specified time frame, if you have not given me a key, a code to a key box or otherwise i will ring the doorbell. If you do not answer i will then contact you through text and / or call you, then i will contact an emergency contact.

If no one responds within 10 minutes i will leave and continue on with my walks for the day - i will contact you again and arrange alternative methods of collection.

Adverse weather

We will care for your pet in any weather condition eg: rain, wind, sun etc. however we reserve the right to cancel or rearrange walks if the weather reaches dangerous conditions for both me and your pet. This includes but is not limited to; thunder storms, snow, hail.

In hot weather conditions we will introduce hot weather measures from 15 degrees. From 25 degrees we will be cancelling or rearranging walks or switching to pop ins in your home.

In cold weather conditions we will introduce cold weather measures from -1 degrees. From -10 we will be cancelling or switching to pop ins - this is all up to my interpretation and your pet as an individual.